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Year 8

It’s pretty much a Piss take because you don’t do anything and you just mess about in lesson and get like no homework but when you do get homework only one person knows about it and everyone says β€œfuck”

Year 8: did you do your homework

Year 8: nah
Year 8: we had homework

Year 8: fuck it

by Ben Jackson July 31, 2019

382πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Year 2020

A piece of shite

How do I say shite with out swearing
Say year 2020

by Elevans April 19, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Queen For a Year

Used to describe a situation where a female displays an attitude that does not correspond to her level of hotness due to the fact that she is "work hot". This is derived from situations in the military where females will be deployed overseas where there are significantly fewer women (let alone hot ones) and she is thus more desireable, allowing her to act in a manner usually only managed by hot women.

soldier 1 (in Iraq): "Why is Lisa walking around like her shit don't stink?"
soldier 2 (in Iraq): "Dude, it's 10% chicks here, she's Queen For a Year."

by Cav Trooper March 26, 2008

51πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Year 7s

There are 2 types of year 7s:
- The nice ones that are usually scared of the older ones and will say sorry all the time (You don’t get a lot of these anymore)
- Tiny ass cunts that try to act like roadmen. Straight up bitches and have no respect for you. (The shorter they are the ruder they get)

Move man you’re in the fucking way
Bitch shut the fuck up before I knock you and your midget self

I hate year 7s

by Suckurmummmmmmmm October 15, 2019

70πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Year 4

A student in Primary School who is bratty, disrespectful and spoiled. They somehow manage to have installed every social media app known to the world onto their Iphone 11 pros and seem to think that they are superior to the rest of the population. They are also known as the year 7s of primary school

Person 1: You're such a Year 4
Year 4: I know you are but what am I?
Other year fours: Buuuuuurrrrrrnnnnnn they got you so good, that was the best insult i've seen in years, omg you're so creative I wish I could've thought of an insult like that

by lalitamississippi April 19, 2020

first year

Apparently, the new politically correct way at several institutes of higher learning to refer to entities previously known as freshmen.

Steven: That red-headed freshman is so hot! I'm totally going to get that bitch drunk and bone her tomorrow night!
Greg: Really, Steven, I'm ashamed of your uncouth behavior -- the polite way of speaking about such an individual dictates that we use the term "first year."

by Thomas Sartorius May 8, 2008

138πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Current Year

A term, often used in a derogatory manner, to refer to comments and rebuttals about about the current year and the actual or expected state of being for a society.

The phrase has its origins on 4chan, with satire of John William Oliver and his use of the current year as a straw man argument.

Person A: How am I privileged again? I was born to a single mother and a dad who ran away never to pay child support, only to graduate high-school as the recession peaked.

Person B: (Jokingly) You are white and male. You have no argument and should understand this, it's current year.

by B-Martini September 25, 2016

175πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž