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Dick thirty

dickthirty is the time at which no human being should be up. dickthirty is generally any time before 5. waking up at dick thirty is normally characterized by bloodshot eyes, questioning your mental standing, and but not limited to non-stop pounding on the nearest snooze button

man my shift starts at 5 AM, I better start my alarm clock for dick thirty

by Daxter286 November 25, 2011

Thirty Footer

A woman that only looks good from beyond thirty feet.

From outside thirty feet: "Bro, you see that girl over there? Look at that ass!"

From inside thirty feet: "Bro, that cellulite is making me gag. She's a thirty footer."

by ThaFreak55 April 23, 2011

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Margarita Thirty

A specific time of the day pertaining to engaging in the art of downing margaritas. Made popular by Taryn Manning, in the movie The Breed, while playing the character of Sara.

Q: What time is it?


by mcpc March 14, 2010


When your tricked into a 5:30 Beer time when it's only 3:30 at work and get caught by your boss

Is it Pip-thirty yet?

by Darko47 September 22, 2017

thirty thousandaire

n. someone who lives above their means or wants people to think they are rich. prevalent in Dallas, Texas.

Sam's not rich. He leases that Beamer and rents that condo. He's a thirty thousandaire.

by MDub November 3, 2005

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An obscure measurement of time, really early in the morning or very late at night. Used to emphasize how incredibly early or late it was.

After the huge blizzard, my wife woke me up at fuck-thirty to go shovel the driveway.

by Goostoff January 29, 2005

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A term used to predict the arrival time of a particular person or event when desiring to connote an extremely low probability of occurrence. Alternate spellings include never:thirty and never:30

Hey, what time do you think David is going to show up? Oh, I'd say about never-thirty.

by Cousin & Cuz August 15, 2007

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