An expression that is used when you are having a horrible day or receive bad news.
John: Hey bro we're out of toilet paper so I used your pillow-case.
Mike: Well grab my willy and throw me sideways!
A Grand Theft Auto V reference. In the mission where Jimmy sells the boat, Michael will shout this when one of the guys who falls off the boat nearly hits his car.
Guy 1: *falls off of moving boat*
Michael: Hey! Stop throwing assholes at me!
The seventh movie in this popular pornographic series. In this movie, Angel Raliegh gets a thumper of a shit on her, but it bounces off of her tit and onto her head - giving her a 'turd turban'. Max Keen holds it together and still manages to ejaculate on her face.
Hey have you got my DVD of Throw Me On The Fucken Grass, Part Your Arse And Shart Some Nard Hard And Fast On My Tit Vol. 7? My wife wants to see it again.
help me throw up is when a girl takes her boyfriends penis and gags on it until she throws up
babe come help me throw up, alr come choke on this dick
if i am sick and i need to have my dog walked. you walk my dog even though its raining. you throw me a solid.
an expression of frustration
"did you do your homework?"
Code name for someone helping you get stoned usually for the first time. Usually used by the person who isn’t experienced and more commonly used in a location where you can’t reveal the truth for example school
A really good friend who smokes: *whispers* hey you still wanna get high
You a person who has only been high once: *normal voice* yeah throw rocks at me