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Time Traveler

For the sensitive people out there: Someone who is “disadvantaged”. For those of us who have a sense of humor: Someone who is born with Autism of any kind, Downsyndrome (AKA Downy), or any birth defect that would classify them as mentally retarded.

We were going to sit down at lunch, but then my friend said, “No wait, that’s the Time Travelers’ table

by A.L Teacher April 26, 2018

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Time Traveler

A woman who appears to age as she gets nearer to you.

I thought she was 21 from the other side of the club, but after I walked up to that Time Traveler, she had to have been at least 42.

by g.f.y. February 3, 2010

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Time Traveler

One who posts about past events on social media sites in order to:

1) Insinuate he or she is better than you
2) Feel better about him or herself

Time Traveler example: "In 2013 I bought a house, met the man of my dreams, got accepted to law school and moved to Denver. Here's to an even better year in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!"

by ajreag January 1, 2014

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Time traveling

Waking up and falling back to sleep, seemingly rapidly, with gaps in time spanning 15 to 20 minutes each.

Matt: Ugh, I was time traveling all morning.

Charles: Did Doc Brown give you a delorean?

Matt: No, but my dreams were like a cheap horror film where you only get to see the monster for a second, over and over.

by Radm June 23, 2010

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time traveling

The verb form of time travel, meaning to move through time in a different fashion than normal. This can be forward or backward, which is most common, or it can be up, down, right or left when the user is more insane.

I will use my time traveling device to go back in time and kill my grandfather, thus creating a paradox and destroying reality!

by Tim the Time Traveler February 10, 2005

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time travel

what happens in between 4:50 and 5:10. basically the last ten minutes and first ten minutes of any hour combined. it always FEELS shorter than 20 minutes, it feels like only 10. but.. it's 20 minutes!

just try it sometime, like sit down and relax. say woo im gonna relax for 20 minutes. then u get to 5:10 and feel ripped off.

by ur momz August 12, 2004

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time travel

(v.)To proceed in a theoretically linear path towards and backwards to or between the beginning and end of time. Although an enchanting fantasy for many, there are lots of errors and preventions that are part of time travel. I, for instance, believe it may be possible but too dangerous to do. If we do only have a single universal timeline, time travel would have resounding effects and we would only become meaningless "events" in any change caused to it. Bah, enough sci-talk, the point is: it's the action of moving thru time.

I constructed a time portal in which upon entering today, I time travelled to last Monday and saw myself eating a slice o' pizza. (Unfortunately, I was trapped in a catch-22; how can I escape back to my time without upsetting it?)

by Smkngmgc June 14, 2004

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