Time Warp Trio is an underrated 2005 cartoon about a boy whose family are magicians with the ability to use magic inherently based on time travel and goes on adventures with his two best friends and sometimes his future great granddaughter and her two best friends whilst trying to take down his evil uncle.
Person 1:did you catch the latest episode of time warp trio?.
Person 2: no what happened?.
Centene Time Warp Theory, or CTWT, is the phenomenon experienced by company employees that proposes that time is not as it is perceived it to be, i.e, minute for minute and second for second as expected. It is in fact a far higher ratio that isn't known until a work week is complete. There is no known formula to calculate this ratio prior to the end of a scheduled shift and is to this point, only a feeling experienced by those exposed. Any one person may have a different feeling that is dependent on their level of exposure.
There is currently no known cure for CTW sickness other than rest and time away from your job.
Pauly had a long week at work. He told Larry and Freddy that he was happy the week was over.
Pauly: Man I'm glad this week is over.
Freddy: Pauly, it's only Monday afternoon.
Pauly: No way, it feels like it's been a week already.
Larry: Pauly, let me educate you on Centene Time Warp Theory(CTWT). It makes you feel like you've worked an exponentially higher number of hours in a short period of time.
Ingesting Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), waiting for the peak, then smoking .3 g of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).
"We spent all night tripping then hit some deems, Time warping is crazy."