Source Code

William Trott

William Trott has an IQ of 245e+9328698475983759827983529856928749823749827359824792857938275987528572935839285729857982465982364982375986723846865236598169856298836598267359872853628963498237582639862987198568016305862338026
Also, Yea.

William Trott is a fucking god.

by Specified March 5, 2024

craig trotts

really good at madden. loves to eat chips. loves the seahawks

craig trotts is really hot

by locostacos56 August 3, 2018

Tierney Trott

Jogging for a short period then walking. Always done in a goofy and uncoordinated fashion.

In order to make up lost time, he decided to Tierney Trott to his car.

by Jaron H October 8, 2019

Vinny Trott

sexiest muthafucka known to mankind.

"Alycat, you're sooooo lucky you're dating Vinny Trott"

by ALYFUCKINGCAT August 13, 2008

tree trott

a European person who does controversial things on the internet.

Hey, did you see that new Tiktoker? He's such a tree trott.

by smthboutyou August 22, 2024


Someone who smokes, drinks, and parties a lot.

He always trotts around every day

by greakfreek October 8, 2022