Truthful; likely; probable. R.
``A more truthy import.'' --W. G. Palgrave.
Truthy (adj.): A term used in programming jargon to describe something that seems legit or valid, especially in the context of boolean logic. In programming, a value or expression is considered "truthy" when it evaluates to a non-zero, non-empty, or non-null value, giving off those positive vibes. It's like saying, "Hey, this thing looks true enough for me!" So, when dealing with conditional statements or decision-making in code, keep an eye out for those truthy values and let them guide you towards the land of logic and good vibes.
"Even though the value is not exactly equal to zero, it is still considered truthy in this programming language.",
"Her apology felt insincere; it lacked authenticity and came across as truthy rather than genuinely remorseful."
A spineless snake that slithers around in the grass looking for its next master
Yeah you see that guy over there, what a truthy, ammirite.
Fans of Syfy channel's paranormal reality television series Destination Truth, its host Josh Gates, and travel.
There will be a Truthies meetup at ComicCon.