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-prefix whichcan be fixed on to almost any word to suggest that u are referring to a greater form of the object/person/position etc. which the origional word referrs to
-word used to describe something as superior

-he is uberlord!!
-i have an ubercar.

-my car is so uber compared to urs
-thats just uber!!

by ocellot December 11, 2004

42πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


I like God.'s definition of uber (submitted Jan. 2, 2004), although I know of an earlier reference than the Dead Kennedy's "California ΓΌber alles" song. In the late '70s Saturday Night Live had a skit with John Belushi that posed the question "what would've happened if Superman emerged from Nazi Germany?" Answer: he would've been Uberman.

Look! Up in the sky! It's Überman!

by inVinceble August 20, 2004

25πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž



A word in German that means ''above'' or ''over'' but now is slang and is used in every sentence

John is a uber fag

uber is a very funny word

by Operation: Douchebag August 4, 2006

29πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


oh no...i hate this word. it's the epitome of gay.

"uber is uber stupid to say"

by tub girl ass eater April 1, 2005

35πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


An online app where you can book a ride

My bitch and I went through an uber

by boltjeffbest November 29, 2017


A ridesharing application / APP. Somehow, the term has become a verb in English speaking first world countries where services are provided, especially in the big American metropolitan cities.

Friend: Dude you showing up for the game or nah?

YOU: Totally, i just finished showering, and i’ma uber at your place STAT.

by mr_dudit May 21, 2019


UBER - meaning above, top, the best, nothin above it, totally, very, cant beat, it....u get the idea lol.

"That hat look UBER stupid man" -
That hat looks totally stuipid.

"That chick is UBER hot" -
You cant geta chick hotter than that.

by shugz February 17, 2005

27πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž