She wanted an untamable image and an outlaw poster, but the reality was there were people far more stubborn, far more independent/self reliant/loners by nature, and far less competitive about life that thought the untamable image was silly. She seemed more like someone who wanted to fit a loner image when that was convenient, a social image when that was convienient, an untamable image when that was convenient, and a responsible even slighty subserviant housewife image when that was convenient.
There's a difference between really being untamable and looking/sounding untamable to fit an untamable image.
Untamable means to Can't be control and can't be tamed
That girl Mary is untamable, her own parents can't contain her
Dude, Bonquiqui has a NASTY untamed gorrilla...but I tamed that shit!
'hi fives'