The worst insult that could ever have been said. Stronger than satan and god times 10000.
Franklin: ur mom gae
Jeff:ur bro a hoe
Franklin:ur granny tranny
Carl:ur mother lost her virginity in this vicinity!
Franklin and Jeff: face melts and are casted into infinite void, where they are being raped by eight year old roblox players.
worst fucking insult ever, worse than ur granny tranny
frank: ur mum gay lol
andy: ur dad lesbian
frank: ur granny tranny
*nothing happens *
andy: ur brother loves ur mother
*universe collapses, andy rises in heaven, frank gets raped by his brother AND his mom in hell*
1👍 1👎
the worst insult in all of history
Jeoff: ur mom gay
Bill:Ur mom lesbian
Jeoff:ur granny tranny
Bill:ur pappy trappy:
Jeoff: Ur sister mister
Bill: Don't make me do it!
Jeoff: Do it pussy
Bill: ur brother mother
(The sun rams into earth)
When you are arguing and ur friend says ur sister mister u say ur brother mother. And you win the argument.Simple as that.
Brad:Yo Carl ur mom gay
Carl:No u
Brad:No no u
Carl:Ur dad lesbian
Brad:Your mom and dad both gay together
Carl:Ur granny tranny
Brad:Ur sister mister
Carl:Ur brother mother
Has risen above all of the previous “ur ___” jokes like “ur mom gay” and “ur dad lesbian”. Any time this is said, Trump gets one inch closer to pressing the nuke button, and God himself falls to the floor and start weeping.
John: ur mom gay
Mike: ur da- no, don’t make me do it
John: do it faggot
Mike: ur brother a mother
*John fucking dies*
78👍 4👎
This is by far the worst insult you can tell someone in the entire universe. God himself forbids himself from speaking of this.
1: Ur Mom gay
2: ur Dad lesbian
1: Ur granny tranny
2: Ur grandpap a trap
1: Ur sister sisters a mister
2: Ur brother a mother
(Literally every living thing in existence gets the life sucked out of them)
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The most lethal and deadly insult. There is nothing that can be said to come back from this
Greg: ur mom gay
Ryan: ur dad lesbian
Greg: ur granny a tranny
Ryan: ur grandpap a trap
Greg: ur sister a mister
Ryan: ur brother a mother
*Greg instantly expolodes into a ball of fire as the galaxy explodes