Source Code


1. The place where people who got banned from Wikipedia go and post factually-wrong information to make them feel smart and superior. You may feel smart on this website, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a fat, turnip-faced failure in real-life.

2. A site with even more shameless attention whoring than Myspace and Facebook combined.

3. Quite possibly the biggest collection of retards and losers only rivaled by GameFAQs. Where every glaring stereotype of Internet message board posters can be found in all their moronic, 13-year old glory.

4. Edited by a bunch of dense-as-lead 40-year old deadbeats who have no idea about anything regarding slang terms, and just signed up so they could feel powerful online over a bunch of whiny tweens. They sometimes reject publishing names, but keep all the blatantly racist and factually-wrong entries. I can find at least a dozen racist entries under the "newest" tab a day. Great job, editards!

5. The toilet of the Internet. If only the webmaster would just flush it already.

There needs to be a disclaimer on Urbandictionary's frontpage warning about the IQ-decreasing effects that the content of this site contains.

by radium July 9, 2006

178๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A website where douchebags come to when they are bored and post completely useless definitions. Most of the definitions they post have to do with sex/sexual acts. Definitions for words like blockhead, dentist, and other words that have nothing to do with sex.

2. Don't mistake these idiots with the people who post real definitions that actually help/inform people in some way.

Idiot: "Heh heh heh I know what blockhead means and it be naughty." >=D "Ima post it on urbandictionary."

Normal Person: "...People like you are a waste of our precious, precious oxygen."

by xNightmarePlague2x December 31, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

urbandictionary that

Something you have to do when it is impossible to check what person has said in a "normal" dictionary.

Person 1: Are we going to the movies today?
Person 2: Fo shizzle ma nizzle doggy fizzle tellivizzle da bomb jigga sause biznatch!!!
Person 1: .......?? I'd better go home and Urbandictionary That.

by MicJaiy May 15, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A site that was a good idea. In theory. The purpose of the site was to give definitions for slang words. However, stupid people decided to use the site to insult, belittle, and use profanic violence against other people because of their race, religion, political affiliation, beliefs, and music that they like.

It has been filled to the brim with people who can't spell and hate everyone who isn't exactly like them. Many of these people actually can spell, and yet they still can't seem to find a way to accept the fact that other people have different oppinions.

I pray for the day when people at UrbanDictionary, or even better, the entire world, will realize that people have different oppinions and will learn to respect them. Then maybe the world will at last know true peace.

by MAX Allen April 23, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb. The act of browsing or adding to urbandictionary.

I'm bored, nothing a little urbandictionarying won't cure.

by omgwtfbbqlol July 9, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place for oh so "clever" kids to create breathtakingly unhumorous definitions for various words, both real and contrived.

Poopchute spork thinger - OMG! It's what you use to eat out your dog's ass after he's had worms!!!! OMGWTF!!11 FUnnnYYYyY!!!111

by Belisarius March 2, 2004

441๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


An online "dictionary" for slang terms, with a light side and a dark side.

The light side is, if there is a widely used word, that's not in the English vocabulary (officially), and you want to know what it means, chances are, you may find it here.

Now, for the dark side: poor monitoring. Though you may find the word you're looking for, chances of finding it on a definition that is accurate, non-opinion-showing, and un-hateful are extremely rare.

Because of how poorly monitored the site is, Spammers take advantage of it and post words with definitions that are inaccurate, hateful, violent, offensive, and/or maybe even porn-related.

Fortunately, there is the "recommend for removal" feature and sensible people can come and have such definitions removed. However, the Spammers can post as fast as (if not faster than) those people can remove.

One definition you might find could be as bad as the example below:

(Please note that I have nothing against the television show "Barney". That is just an example.)

"A stupid f---ing TV show about lame, love-dovey f---ingness, like Barney. It is stupid and g--, like Barney. Oh, and I hate Barney."

Source: "Anti-Barney"

by DanMat6288 June 2, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž