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virtual visitor

someone who has been to a place but only online

destination traveling that occurs via the internet

What did Professor Milroney just say?

"Dude, I dont know I was a virtual visitor in Cabo Wabo."


"You've never been to Paris? I knew you were just a virtual visitor!"

by LWE8 November 19, 2007

visitors baring gifts

People who show up naked at your house and offer their luscious warm softness as a "present" for you to savor and enjoy.

Many humans happily welcome visitors baring gifts; extra points if said arrivals also bring tasty culinary treats to fill their host's tummies, as well. I once saw a hilarious two-column essay about "how to please a woman vs. how to please a man"; the first column was a very lengthy list of things for the guy to do for the lady, such as buying her flowers and sweets, opening doors for her, complimenting her on her choices of clothing and praising her looks, etc. But for the other column, it merely listed two very brief items that a lady has to do to make a guy feel special and satisfied: "Show up naked" and "Bring food". :P

by QuacksO October 25, 2019

The Visitor

Some retard on twitter and is a god memer. Oh, and a F o r t n i t e skin too.

Twelve year old: “Oh Cmon! The Visitor was stupid enough to kill my fortnite game! You gotta be joking!”
Adults: “Good.”

by ObamaTheNWordPass March 1, 2020

odd visitor

the second woman for a threesome

Girl: You're fucking me good, but I want something new.

Dude: Your friend is gonna be an odd visitor tonight.

by LuaXe April 28, 2024

visitor shit

a shit you take when visiting a club or friend where you face the wall and so make a biggg mess that needs to be cleaned or it'll stink like hell

dude : "holy crap what happened to my toilet !?!"
dude 2 : "ye doug took a visitor shit when he was wrecked"

by mr eudcation December 31, 2009