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I don't wanna go

10th Doctor's last words

^^How to make a nerd cry in 4 words;
The 10th Doctor is dying and regenerating. Tennant improvises:
"I don't wanna go."

by DoctorWho2020binging March 26, 2021

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wanna go up or down?

a question asked to decide whether one would like to be high or drunk using up as high and down as drunk

1 - ayo wanna go up or down?
2 - idk bro i’ve been up so many times lately we should go down

by srawny_been April 18, 2021

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Wanna go get some food?

slang for ripping out and eating somebody's organs

"Hey buddy you Wanna go get some food?"
"sure I got my knife ready!"

by Head from a Melon January 10, 2023

I don’t wanna go mr stark

This line is by Spider-Man in avengers infinity war when he dies

Stark:it’s gonna be ok come on..
Peter:i don’t wanna go Mr stark

by SubarashiiBurraku May 2, 2018

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I wanna go bang-bang

I want to take my revenge on society by murdering the first random person i encounter

when you hear the phrase i wanna go bang-bang, please be kind enough to immediately alert the authorities and make double sure that the person gets a proper psyche-eval

by Sexydimma March 5, 2015

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Harley Har, Wanna go leepies with Eddie

Stupid stuff my mom says when she's trying to suggest the dog to sleep in my room.

Mom: "Harley Har, Wanna go leepies with Eddie"?
Harley Har: "Ruff"

by Jalalabad123 November 30, 2010

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wanna go to rite aid

What you say in front of your other friends but it really means "do you wanna come over and get so drunk we can't walk?"

Hey lexi, wanna go to rite aid this weekend;)?