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what do yall mean

when someone says some dumb shit and you need to put them in there place.

girl 1: i dont like netflix

girl 2: what do yall mean you dont like netflix?

by sexy.beasts.and.salad August 9, 2018

what do you mean

my stupid friend mackenna said this when I asked her what word I should put on urban dictionary

β€œwhat should I put on urban dictionary?”
β€œwhat do you mean?”

by captainlizeth March 13, 2018

76πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

What do you mean

A phrases commonly used to just add confusion, or irritation to answer someones question (mostly to be an asshole). Used in the movie "Pineapple Express."

Dale Denton - Its not working, the battery is dead.

Saul - What do you mean the battery is died????

by perrya10 July 4, 2009

133πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

What do you think

A phrase that simple Nailogical uses

*finishes painting nails*

"What do you think?"

by Shakuraa February 4, 2019

39πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A word used by TGFBRO a lot just a phrase said to express one’s emotions it can be used in mostly any situation

1- miss just put me on report


by Ms Mahakata is Childish December 17, 2019

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

what do you write

What do you write? It’s a graffiti term for taggers to ask you what crew your from.

What do you write? I write booty gang

by CVOCKISLIFE November 20, 2017

What do you mmmmmeeeeaaaannn

Tgf would be proud :)

Friend:"Bro I'm so gonna strap myself to a gas canister and fight giant naked people with katanas" you:"Bro what do you mmmmmeeeeaaaannn "

by Cacharararadontosaurus April 22, 2017