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Savanna Nicole widener

Beautiful sexy girl/woman with big boobs and a fat ass and all the boys like her she can be a liar sometimes but she’s a keeper

Get your ass a savanna Nicole widener

by Toya chichi April 23, 2019


Widen is a name and only cool guys have that name. It menas that your a strong person and everybody respects you.

Widen also menas that you are powerfull and very handsome, everyone wants to be a widen.

Person 1- Hey, whats your name?
Person 2- Hello, Widen
Person 1- oh that's why you are so handsome

by Köttbullarmedmackaroner December 12, 2016


The act of wiping your ass as an adult human while standing up

Look at this frat bro widenering over here

by TheWolfneck May 29, 2019

Widener university

Boring school.

Widener university used to be great. Now boring af

by Fooks. October 1, 2022

eye widener

A person that is so attractive that peoples eyes widen when looking at him/her. Also very sex appealing.

"Did you see that girl at the bar on Tuesday?"
"Yeah, she was real eye widener"
"My girlfriend slapped me for staring"

by Spike* July 2, 2013


Another term for fanny flutters

Joanne, having waited to see him for so long, got such a widener when he finally turned up.

by Nivide September 27, 2020

morgan widener

Hottest girl alive , she fire

That girl is so hot, ya her name is morgan widener, she is my girlfriend

by Westina January 19, 2017