That one point in time when your 60- something-year-old father finally pauses the Lady Gaga blaring from the car speakers to try to pull into the very small rue21 parking lot in the strip mall.
“I’m just gonna Wingle-Wangle my way through here”
“Dad wtf”
This kid is extra slim thicc and he WILL steal yo girl
Aka dumbthicc. Slim thick kevin wingle just stole my woman
A name for a funny, yet also sort of goofy person. It's a very intelligent phrase that was developed in the year 2023, and the phrase was thrown around so much, yet never gets old with time.
Person 1: Yo do you wanna get some pizza
Person 2: nahh me to dum no wan pizza
Person 1: u are a dumb Pringle Dingle Wingle Chingle Mingle Dingle Kristmas Kringle !