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opposite of a cockblocker the wingman will prevent male and female cockblockers from the pointman who is macking. a wingman may be the best thing to have in order to get what you want from women

wingman steps into the bar and covers the grenade and or cockblockers while waiting for the next moves in the game with the pointman so they both can score.

by Clinton Ziza Smith May 12, 2006

48๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who goes along with their friend on a date so that when their friend picks up the hot girl the wingman gets stuck with her ugly friend. A very noble job and guys usually switch off wingmen at different clubs. See fall on the grenade.

So buy her a beer, its the reason your here, mighty wingman.
Youre taking one for the team, so your buddy can live the dream.

by [ - stacys mom - ] October 23, 2003

145๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a guy goes to try to get at a girl one of the biggest obstacles to her getting some is her friends. knowing this men have learned to fight fire with fire. the wingman comes along on a date if the girl insists to bring her friend(s). The wingmans whole purpose in being there is to make sure his boy gets some action by dealing with the girls ugly friends or her friends who insist on her not hooking up that night.

A wingman is a good man and should be respected as such.

guy 1: yo im trying to get at suzanne but she insist on bring her ugly bitchy ass friends...be my wingman tonite and i got u next time
guy 2: i got u man i swear tho...im not touching any fat chix...
guy 1: good looks my dude...i owe u one
guy 2: damn strait

by Bigeast 34 March 20, 2006

86๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


The man of choice to get wings with.

Johnny is my go-to wingman, we always get hot wings together.

by reekai August 22, 2019


This is a predetermined friend or associate who's sole interest is running block at casual events or outings for a socially challenged individual creating an otherwise unlikely opportunity for that said individual to hook up with hottest of the species of the opposite sex; a ringer.

Alli ran wingman for her shy buddy Jason by ordering drinks at the bar by this totally cute girl. She commented on the girls outfit with high accolades of fashion then took a call leaving Jason to pick up the convo & run with the ball.

by Handsurggirl July 6, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The friend who enables your goal of having sex with a hot chick by distracting and or having sex with the either "Fat, Ugly, Annoying, bitchy friend." These above statements can be by themselves or an any combination to explain the "wordCock Blocker\word" Talked about above.

I was all up on this bitch on the dance floor and if it was not for my wing man taking her fat ass friend to Denny's I would have never been able to bang that bitch.

by Negativeion July 1, 2003

33๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Wingman is on who is willing to take one for the team so that his friend can live the dream. Opposite of being or commiting a cock-block

Bud-Light presents Real American Heros Today we salute you Mr. Wingman. Only you can turn you buddies dream into a reality, by screwing her fat cock-blocking friend, so crack open an ice cold Bud-Light, because next time your buddy has to screw the fat chick, We salute you Mr. Wingman!!

by WINGMAN FOR THE DAMN WIN January 12, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž