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Anything that will motivate you to do work; motivational books, stimulants, etc.

Guyb: I need to get out and do something, I just took a big dose of Workahol!
Guyb: Workahol? Like, caffeine?
Guya: Yeah, but that's not all...
Guyb: What else?
Guya: Desire.

by workahol biz July 11, 2008

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n. What workaholics are addicted to

Wife: Honey, are you cheating on me?
Husband: No... Why?
Wife: You're always home so late.
Husband: Argh, I know. They must be putting something into the workahol.
Wife: Crystal was right! You ARE a workaholic.

by Matt |2 November 22, 2006

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Adiccion al trabajo. wayne e. Oates, psicรณlogo americano, lo utilizo para referirse a su propio comportamiento respecto al trabajo, y lo comparo con el alcoholismo.

I am working very hard everiday, i am in an office for hours, i think i am Workaholism.

by Psycocrazy January 25, 2015

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workaholic boss

A boss who is addicted to work and expects his employees to work as hard as he does.

I have a workaholic boss, he calls me even when he is on vacation!

by Rรชveur February 4, 2008

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workaholic slackers

An individual who is a workaholic when they decide to do work but a slacker the rest of the time. Such individuals cannot just work a moderate pace because their workaholic instincts would kick in and result in them becoming actual workaholics. Workaholic slackers usually turn to xbox and beer to prevent themselves from working

Kantaloupe and Slammy are such workaholic slackers in law school. They downed a case of beer just to keep themselves from doing more law review assignments

by overworkedlawstudent January 14, 2014

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the addiction to working

His workaholism is getting so bad - he worked 18 hours today.

by carolyn.p. March 21, 2022


Stray Kids

OMG another Stray Kids Comeback in January. They are such Workaholics

by chileanywaysooo November 28, 2020