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A wowser is a very hair elephant with a tiny dick

Ugh wowsers this is lame

by PenisLord February 8, 2014

5👍 15👎

Wowsers trousers!

An innocent expression of surprise, expanding on the word 'wow'.

British English, similar in meaning to 'holy moly' in American English.

"You cycled all the way from Chippenham to Salisbury? Wowsers trousers!"

by SenorVittorio October 9, 2021

6👍 1👎

Wowsers Bowsers

A seemingly innocent phrase, often used in pervasive situations. It can be used as an explanation of joy or excitement, but it is more commonly used to remark on a female's body.

1. WOWSERS BOWSERS! How does she fit all that in them jeans?

2. (Slightly less perverted)
NickNick (MyMy) had a wowsers bowsers moment when Kristin shared his drink at the movies.

3. (No perverted connotation)
Wowsers bowsers, I am so sloshed from those XS energy drinks; honestly, out of my mind right now.

by RedLeader80 September 8, 2008

7👍 5👎


In Australia a wowser is someone who believes other people having fun is bad. An enviro-wowser is someone who frowns on other people's activities if they are believed to use too many resources. It's a modern form of wowserism for the middle class.

The enviro-wowser was annoyed because we had lights on at the party. The enviro-wowser was shocked to see her date drive up in a V8.

by someOtherGuyInOz August 5, 2009

5👍 3👎

Wowsers and Bowsers

A term to express excitement, anger, sadness, pretty much can be used to express any emotions and used in any type of conversation

Did you see Lebron drop 60 points last night?
Wowsers and Bowsers he didn’t miss a shot.

by jjacav13 July 8, 2021


Its just like wow but more like if your sarcastic and surprised at the same time

Jonny"Omg u freakimg just made my dad yell at me"
Sebastian"well idc maybe dont tell ur parents to not go to the movies


by yo_estaba_aqui March 31, 2017


Just a different way of saying "Wow". More "tongue-in-cheek" way of saying it.

Iam "Wowsers man.... I'm still not entirely sure what we did here."

Hym "Well, worst case scenario we started a Satanist cult, got plagiarismed out of a movie and some genius grants, and the random circumambulation of our mind has been turn into a cudgel that is being used to usurp the government and bludgeon dissidents into submission."

Iam "Huh.... Then what's the best case scenario?"

Hym "All of the above except we get free money and people carry us around on a golden throne.... Like Xerxes."

Iam "Huh.... That doesn't seem like something people would like..."

Hym "Oh! Yeah! Definitely not. They are going to Muammar Gaddafi the shit out of us!"

Iam "Huh.... Huh.... It should be harder than that to take over the government..."

Hym "I KNOW! We didn't even break a sweat! I mean... We almost jumped off a bridge but whatever..."

Iam "Well it's not like we were trying to do that!"


Iam "If true.... I mean, I just wanted to express my thoughts.... You know? Get some stuff off my chest."

Hym "Oh you did! And now we're going to be assassinated. Or mob violenced. Or burned at stake for being an affront to their God monster."

Iam "Hmmm.... None of that sounds very good...."

Hym "Maybe we're just Nuts-world! Bonkers! A schizo!"

Iam "Uhh... That doesn't sound very good either..."

Hym "Yeah... I don't see this ending well... At least we get to take another crack at The Creature sooner rather than later🤷"

Iam "Huh...."

by Hym Iam May 4, 2022