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you don't know the meaning of the word

The statement is said to express ire and/or contempt. When someone says it, they are saying that the person who used the aforementioned adjective should not be using it, as they don't truly know what it means to feel it. I.E. you had your face melted off, and you broke the arm of someone who pissed you off. You would say "Painful? You don't know the meaning of the word."

Offender: My family are all idiots. I mean, I'm never stop having to suffer their genocide.
You: Suffering? you don't know the meaning of the word.

by Tevel February 19, 2014

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You don't know shit about fuck

An extreme way to invalidate a person's opinion. It's a hardcore dis meant to bring the person it's directed at to complete silence.

Marven: This war is like fucking awesome yo!
Shanaynay: You don't know shit about fuck,asshole.
Marven:....................well damn.

by Crazyspirit October 23, 2007

124๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oh you don't know what karlson is?

Something louder than anything and whishlist karlson so it will be release

Dani:Oh you don't know what karlson is?

by Mamanams August 8, 2021

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You don't know what I got.

A phrase that is used by rex in victorious stating that Tori doesn't know what rex has in his pants , Also a term that can be used when misgendered or wanting to imply you may be another gender . usually used as a joke.

Sasha: Yeah me and Mikasa had a kid together. (joking)
Jean: That's not biologically possible
Sasha: You don't know what I got. okay? (bursts out laughing)
Jean: (Also bursts out laughing)
Connie: (Doesn't know what's going on but starts laughing too)

by miasma-from-my-ass March 16, 2022

You don't know, you've never been raped

A response used when one person calls another one out on their bullshit.

"I don't think your life is as bad as you claim."
"You don't know, you've never been raped!"

by helrunr January 23, 2019

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don't bro me if you don't know me

the line that you say to someone you do not know or barely know in response to them calling you bro. They may think they are cool or are chill and call you a bro. However, by saying don't bro me if you do not know me, you are telling them that he is in fact not a bro and does not have the right to call you a bro. One must understand what a bro is in order to say the line.

Stranger: What up bro?
You: Dude who are you? C'mon man seriously how dare you! Don't bro me if you don't know me.

by broeylogano March 24, 2013

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you don't know shit from your asshole

To be oblivious or uninformed on a subject you are trying to create a dialogue about.

The fact you think the government faked the moon landing proves you don't know shit from your asshole.

by djstickyfing3rz April 3, 2015