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Ubuntu Zealot

A member of the order of Ubuntu, the most devout of the celibate tribes. Followers often tend to live in small packs, often dominated by a matriarch, who by custom, lives in the upper floor of the domicile for twenty to thirty years; although, studies have proven cases often have lifetime arrangements. Members of this order are rarely seen during in the daylight while they practice a self-mutilating practice, performed mostly with thumbs and the use of a biofeedback video device. The most commonly witnessed activity by outsiders, a routine 2 a.m. trip to the corner-shop is known as β€œnocturnal emission” within the tome of listed rituals. The order preaches it was actually a third lineage of beings that evolved separately from Homo sapiens and the line of apes and other primates. Evidence is scarce, but many scientists accept the possibility upon close examination of the culture.

"Jeff is an Ubuntu zealot. He won't go out with her. He wouldn't know how."

by pierre_abelard October 4, 2009

168πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

FreeBSD Zealot

(1)Someone who openly advocates group sex and/or bestiality or pornography focused on these subjects. (2) Someone with a large collection of pornographic material or extensive online presense of group sex and bestiality, especially someone who shares this with friends and coworkers.

I'm probably a "FreeBSD Zealot". If you give me a hit of X, I could f--k a goat.

by heloisesuncle September 12, 2009

253πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Microsoft Zealot

A person who has a life beyond computers and is not confined by a religious addiction to unusable hippie freeware with little functional use or an overpriced trendy combination of hardware that was top of the line two years ago. The typical Microsoft zealot sees the computer as a means to an end, a business tool and home appliance, and not a white false idol perched in a prominent part of your β€œliving” room that you pray impresses women. It generally won’t. The typical Microsoft zealot has tried this approach and failed miserably and has moved on to conventions on Microsoft technology where they hope to score with a barista working in the lobby. She is the only woman in the room, or at least the only obvious person of the female gender. Microsoft zealots tend to understand what TCO, ROI, economy of scale, and integration mean unlike their fanatical counterparts on the other side of the virtual fence. Microsoft zealots drive nice cars but have never been laid in them, nor is it likely. They are, however, eternally hopeful.

β€œHey, I’m kind of a Microsoft zealot, do you want to ditch this Powerpoint presentation and head to the lingerie convention a block down at Harrah’s? I have the route mapped out on my iPhone.”

by pierre_abelard October 3, 2009

106πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Linux Zealot

Perhaps the most hilarious people I've ever encountered. Known for their hatred of Windoze.

I like Linux, but it's not like I'm a Linux Zealot.

by Blue Ruse August 8, 2006

80πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

zealot nude

anything that you want to see nude in google

I was searching the internet on google for a zealot nude from the game Starcraft, but I couldnt find anything so I typed in Chris Shields nude.

by zealot nude 2 October 5, 2009

Zealot Rose

A person who use others for their own personal gains, often times involving minors in grand theft felonies. Rude, white trash, hillbilly, fanny pack wearing asshat.

1) When the Zealot Rose left the project once and for all, there was no need to be aware of your surroundings near misplaced spitoon cups.
2) The Zealot Rose geniused himself right out of the project.
3) The Alfster easily trapped the Zealot Rose and

the rope and his sidekick danced with joy.

by Petergozinya June 5, 2009

75πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Religious zealot

A person who has ruined religion by using it for his own personal gain and to make him seem like (s)he's better than non-religious people.

Mr. Ferguson from South Park. His famous song, "Merry Fucking Christmas" is very zealous.

by UberMan5000 October 18, 2004

296πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž