A girl who exploits a person’s intelligence for her education gain, in exams or to improve her grades. She might promise to bang you, but then she would leave you if you don’t satisfy her.
God: Why did you produce grade whores? They are taking over the planet!
Devil: So is your ego!
A free school grade that is in a minischool To help prep kids for Community Typically the 2nd year
The 14th graders To get some ice cream
A grade is considered good when it is about 50%, most people obtain good grades through studying. However, certain individuals obtain good grades by bribing the teacher in various ways.
Lucy:"Wow he got 100 in Arts! That is such a good grade."
Daniel:"Hmm... I think he obtained the good grades in some very shady way."
the utmost cunt classification
the cunt of all cunts
sorry for being a grade A cunt last week, i don't know what got into me
i've never liked jake, he's always been a grade A cunt to me
person 1: do you see eric is still glaring at us
person 2: yeah you'd think he'd leave us alone by now
person 1: grade A cunt behavior
person 2: truly
The Cougar's age range preference, below which she isn't usually willing to prowl.
Sorry, babe, you're way below my prey grade...
“dude aren’t you excited to go into 7th grade”
“fuck no”
“my older sister said it’s hell”