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police academy

Quite possible the best movie series ever.

Hey, have you seen Police Academy 7: Mission to Moscow?

by DUN-DUN-DUN! October 18, 2003

63πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Loyola Academy

The best prep school you'll find in the mid west, home of the Ramblers. Located in Wilmette on the North Shore. No matter what those stuck up fags say, we are a lot better than New Trier. We're rich, sexy, good looking, smart, and athletic. Oh, and no doubt we are better than your school.

Kid #1: Where are you going to school next year?

Kid #2: New Trier

Kid#1: What, are you high or something? Loyola Academy is so much better.

Kid #2: ...yes. Yes I am.

by loyolarambler44 March 23, 2011

136πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Dominican Academy

A rich white preppy upscale school on the upper east side of manhattan. Its private and has a lot of hot girls who have a lot of money in the richest part of manhattan and probably the world. Most of the girls are stuck up and hot or are stuck up and ugly there is no inbetween. All the girls there are mad smart so even the hot ones are kind of nerdy and will probably be CEO's one day. Its also sister school to the all boys exclusive Regis High School which is also full of rich smart herbs.

Guy: Yo check out that girl she is bangin
Regis Kid: Yes, I know her she goes to Dominican Academy.
Guy: So what you gonna get married and take over the world together?

by therealest February 1, 2007

172πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

The Classical Academy

A charter school in Colorado Springs Colorado. You will find that every student is dressed in a polo shirt, khaki pants, wearing black dress shoes and a belt. About 97% of the student body is Christian and strangely enough most of them attend services at the megachurch right next to the east campus. You will immediately be able to sniff out the one public school kid that transferred because he/she will be the only one without a bible in their pocket.

That kid has a bad case of PTSD, He must have transferred from The Classical Academy.

by MiserableHighSchoolStudent December 12, 2018

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

leigh academy

The school of 4 colleges (aka best secondary)
Where all tha cool kids go

β€˜What school do you go to?’

β€˜ The Leigh Academy,’

β€˜Omg can we be friends?!’

by omg it’s Donald trumpet November 24, 2019

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

plato academy

A school that education wise, is good. But when it comes to sitting in that building for 6 hours it ain’t it. Most the kids are Jhits, the food is bad, and the uniforms are trash.

Friend: hey what school you go to?
Me: uhm Plato academy

Friend: sorry for asking.

by Table cloth November 9, 2018

Eastwood Academy

Eastwood Adacemy is a school full of pedo teachers, nonce boys and crackhead girls. There are many couples who need to get a room and also a lot of drama between groups. Also everyone there knows all the tea about the pedo teachers, and we all know who they are.

Eastwood Academy is a shitty excuse of a school

by starbucksisbybae February 28, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž