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Phone addict

When you are crazy about your phone, and you can only stare at the screen that will take your eyesight away from you. You will then block out every thing in your life that has a meaning. And you will then die a virgin.

God dammit Jesse stop looking at your phone, I swear you are a phone addict.

by Dictation Dictator January 27, 2021

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Textual Addiction

Addicted to texting someone, either sexual or normal texts.

" OMG! My phone bill had 10,000 texts on it!!"
" Umm I think you have a textual addiction, maybe you should go to rehab..."
Cue Dr. Phil....

by Textpert September 27, 2009

sext addict

someone who cannot stop sending sexually suggestive texts

Jeannemarie cannot control her sexting habit. She's a sext addict.

by jrox November 29, 2012

Cringe Addiction

When a person repeatedly watch cringe memes to the point where they cannot feel pain or breathe

John died of a Cringe Addiction a few years back

by AdamoTheGiant March 30, 2021


Adjective. To be highly and/or passionately addicted to something, often in a silly, yet extreme manner.

She is so crack-addicted to Hello Kitty, it's freaking ridiculous.

by electrove December 14, 2010

wharf addiction

An addiction to ‘wharf.’ Many people who have tried wharf suffer from wharf addiction, due to it being extremely addicting. People with wharf addiction often feel mentally and physically numb, as well as going through serious frequent withdrawal symptoms

I’ve had a crippling wharf addiction for 8 years of my life now. My family has disowned me.

by Davey Stwida March 23, 2021

Food Addiction

When you cant stop eating because you’re a fat ass

Jacob: yo i’m hungry
Vale: me too
Jacob: u a fatass
Vale: maybe we have a “food addiction

by vale2fine June 12, 2023