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Alpha Squally

The status a thot gains when they reach the highest level of mischief and adultery. They are now qualified as the Alpha Squally, who leads the pack of thots and guides them in their slutty endeavors.

"Yo bro you heard Danielle has another boyfriend?"
"Yeah man, she's definitely the Alpha Squally."

by bruhhhhh September 8, 2014

Hentai Alpha

A Title given to Alex Kozlosky in his senior year of high school. NOT Tanner Golba.

Did you hear? Alex Kozlosky is the new Hentai Alpha.

by shendocity October 5, 2023

Alpha sausage

An alpha sausage is this biggest sausage in a sausage batch

Mary was very hungry and only wanted the alpha sausage

by Gsack informer April 9, 2017

Alpha Wank

When a male has a wank staring at himself in the mirror, usually accompanied with positive remarks "you're a fuckin good looking bastard"
One would engage in such activities to build confidence within themselves as an alpha and also in the bedroom.

Bro I had the best alpha wank last night, I feel real alpha today from it

by M3n1s January 12, 2022

Alpha Fauxmale

Is the term coined for the types of Lesbians that dress, talk and more importantly act in an Alpha Male'istic way within their peer group.

They are generally the leader of the lesbotrons and make their presence known and felt when in the group, by addressing their peers in a condescending/patronizing way using deep vocal tones and displaying aggressive body language, dressing in butch male attire eg; Flannel shirts, dickies shorts, huge watches, Vans slips on or Nike AF1's, and more often than not have bad tattoos, thusly imitating the bully/badass dude.

Even though these Alpha Fauxmales would probably masculinise most effeminate men and in turn scare the shit out of them these fauxmales are still a worthy observation in hipster packs of lesbians.

"Oh wow, check out how that Alpha Fauxmale commands her lesbotron friends, it's almost like they are scared of her."

"I'm pretty gay myself, but I do believe that alpha fauxmale just man trumped me."

"Wow, that alpha fauxmale puts your mate stephanรฉs' penis to shame!"

by loltatz May 5, 2010

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Alpha emo

The most suicidal person in a group.

"You know that dead chick? She was such an alpha emo."

by Wasp humper September 29, 2018

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Alpha male

An alpha male writes definitions of "beta male" on urban dictionary. They always feel the need to talk about how alpha they are. They guzzle cum to get extra testosterone. Closet homosexuals. We all accept you for yourself, "alpha male". No need to hide anymore. You can come out of the closet.

That "alpha male" is such a tryhard.

by hobojunkie May 15, 2021

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