Making your hand go numb, covering it in rubbing alcohol and jerking off.
"Hey man I need you to take me to the hospital, I tried the alcoholics anonymous."
Anyone who is going to use this as his stage name is going to be G.O.A.T of writers and Neurosurgeon.
Hey his poems are so good. Is he Dr Anonymous..?
the most annoying fortnite players you'll ever com across
Me:OMG this fucking Anonymous(310) bitch killed me
Refers to the more light-hearted/trivial-affliction-related (i.e., non-substance-abuse or other serious-addiction-type condition) gatherings of sufferers where everyone shares life-stories and fellowship, and tries to assist each other in reducing/alleviating said unfortunate conditions/infirmities. Examples would include Belchers Anonymous (at all the other meetings listed here, they serve you tasty carbonated drinks, but at this meeting, you only get non-fizzy libation so that you won't start burping!), Bellyachers Anonymous, Colliders Anonymous (for folks who often clumsily blunder into objects/people), Foot-steppers Anonymous (again, this would be for those of you who don't adequately watch where you're walking, and so you accidentally tread on others' toes a lot), Groaners Anonymous (they seat you in chairs with heating-pads and offer you pain-relievers), Grumblers Anonymous, Stumblers Anonymous, Whiners Anonymous, Yawners Anonymous (at all the other meetings they let you sit on comfy upholstered chairs, but here they make you sit on hard wooden benches so that you don't get too relaxed and then start sleepily displaying your tonsils), etc.
One amusing fact about alternative anonymous meetings is that quite a number of any particular meeting's attendees may also suffer from a lot of the maladies and shortcomings addressed in other anonymous meetings, as well (i.e., achy people who copiously moan and groan also tend to complain a lot and mindlessly bumble into and/or step on the feet of unsuspecting souls unfortunate enough to happen to be in their paths), and so you tend to see a lot of familiar faces at many of the various meetings.
a group of people who instead of participating in the game, sit on the bench and remain there for the most part of the game until all of the good players are tired.
see: benchwarmers
Now that the seniors graduated, the Slackers Anonymous may die away if more people don't start slacking!
One of the worst people on the internet, hiding behind a happy exterior, or thick candy shell or something else delicious, but turns out to be Satan when exposed to the Anonymous confines of the Internet.
Jerry becomes such an Anonymous Hitler on the internet.
When a female doesn't remember who she had sex with the night before, but feels like she was penetrated.
Stephanie: why are you walking like that? Get some last night?
Terri: im not sure. Seems I received an anonymous tip.