When you dip your balls in melted candle wax and you take them out. The balls become very smooth and firm. Soon after the dried wax starts to fall of and your balls get smooth and greasy.
I love when I get smooth melons, it makes me feel like I'm a baby again
The Gigachad position used to solve the problem caused by the combo of pissing and having a boner. Only achievable after 1000+ hours of life playing time and after getting the "no splasher on the edge" achievement
Man, i couldn't hold myself, got to the bathroom and had to pullout the smooth criminal. Risky play, but worked out.
When someone is really dumb
Or just makes a mistake that’s really dumb
1-Pizza is good cause of the ketchup
2-Why are you smooth in the head......
A slang used to call someone dumb, stupid, of low IQ, etc.
Origin: As the amounts of folds on the cerebrum of a mammal brain determines the intelligence of the being, having no folds would mean that they have on intelligence.
Ignore them, they're just some smooth brainers
Getting someone to smoothly rub their nuts on icyhot and feel the pain.
I gave my friend a smooth rub after he lit my ps4 on fire
A situation in which a population is severely lacking in smooths, or cigarettes, that generally causes widespread panic and emotional discourse.
example 1
person 1- "Bro, I need a smooth man, help me out jew"
person 2- "I don't have any, it's a smooth crisis."
person 1- "You've gotta be kidding me..."
example 2
person 1- "I...need...smooth..."
person 2- "shutup man you know it's a smooth crisis"
person 1- "FML"