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nature bridge

The area between the anus and the vagina or testicles. Otherwise known as "taint".

I made sure to pay close attention to her nature bridge when I went down on her.

by Hardly Known May 15, 2016

Bridge Junkies

Bridge Junkies are the junkies under the bridge who shoot up and or smoke crack ehilr cars pass by overhead. They're very hostile and territorial as if they are primates. One should not attempt to speak to one or face their cracked out wrath. They also produce good music.

Dude did you see those Bridge Junkies under the overpass?

Yeah! They shrieked at me when they spotted me.

by Chuck Indigo July 20, 2018

bridge sibling

Your half sibling's, half sibling. When a child's parents seperate and go on to have other children, the relationship between those subsequent siblings. The original child acts as a 'bridge' between the two families.

This is Derek, my half-sister Mary's half brother. Mary and I share the same mother while Mary and Derek share the same father, he is my bridge sibling.

by GoJump January 15, 2016

Bridge Worm

Description. The Bridge Worm is a long worm-like entity that is known for hiding under long interstate highway bridges. However, it has been found to hide under small bridges, supposedly using a safe house tactic to travel long distances without being spotted (However this claim has no evidence of being true).

bridge worm was created by slimyswampghost so made this

by vaccineisherewoohooo February 2, 2021

Bridge Friends

This is a group of seedy people your friend hangs out with when he is not hanging out with you or your primary friend group. You wonder how your friend came to be acquainted with these people and how he could possibly enjoy their company. Oftentimes, your friend is admittedly embarrassed that he is associated with his Bridge Friends. Bridge Friends are generally shady people you don't want to be around.They are also typically slow, have terrible senses of humor, and often wear jean shorts. These are the type of people you would expect to hang out under a bridge.

Friend 1: "Where is Jerry?"
Friend 2: "He said he is going to some underground luau with his Bridge Friends."
Friend 3: "Those guys are creepy, I don't know why he hangs out with them."

by DOMac March 24, 2015

Alexandria Bridge

Alexandria Bridge is a term morons use when they mean to describe the inter-provincial Alexandra Bridge, which spans the Ottawa River between Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec.

Jeff: Did you see the checkpoints that Sûreté du Québec set up at the Alexandria Bridge?

Dan: I think you mean the Alexandra Bridge, ass clown. Why are you crossing the bridge at all? You should be practicing physical distancing and staying home, not walking to Maxi in Hull to save a few bucks. Or at least go dumpster-diving closer to home. Jeff, I don't even know who you are anymore!?!?!

by CandiceR April 1, 2020

Bridge of Hope

Taking unwanted pets such as kittens or puppies and putting them in a burlap sack and throwing it off of a bridge that has a water source underneath.

My dog ladybird had puppies but we can't take care of them, so we took them to the bridge of hope where they can be free.

by Bucc nahsty June 22, 2023