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burn cruise

A phrase referring to reefer and driving. Imagine yourself cruising in your car with the windows up, or part of the way down, smoking it up and just cruising along a road. In Westchester, youth have actually defined certain areas and roads as burn cruise areas. Rock on ^_^

I'm gonna jump in the ford and go on a burn cruise with my homies down to Yonkers.

by Sanguinairius October 22, 2004

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burning bush

a term used to describe the pubic hair of a red headed person.

Luke saw eric's burning bush when he dropped his towel.

by simba2543565 March 31, 2009

116๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

let it burn

That hurt feeling from getting dumped that you feel right in your chest or heart area. That pain you just try to fight, but it won't go away, that's the burning. You have to go through that hurting to get over someone. "let it burn", don't fight it...time will heal that pain if you just let it work it's way through your body.

"She left me for some other guy, this shit is killing me"

Friend-"All I can tell you is to let it burn"

by Dwade117 September 5, 2007

122๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

pizza burn

The resulting burn on the roof of your mouth from eating hot pizza before it has cooled to a non-harmful temperature.

Charlie was so hungry that he took a huge bite of pizza after it came out of the oven. The boiling cheese scalded his pie hole and he got pizza burn.

by el Jefe Designs March 25, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

stubble burn

The removal of female facial skin due to vigerous kissing with a guy with a lot of stubble. Seen by some as a badge of honor, courage, and committment.

After hours of mackin' on that dude at the movies, Berin got herself a little case of stubble burn.

by bartlebee October 10, 2005

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burns donut

When a guy has herpes, the clap, chlamydia (or another "burning STD"), or any combination of std's, and sleeps with a girl, the morning after (or shortly after) she will have a burning situation in her nethers. This is known as a "burns donut."

(Next morning after doin tha nasty)
Glen: "Morning babe, want a burns donut?"

Martha: "What's a burns donut?"

Glen: "I have herpes. Burns, don't it?"

by testicles...that is all October 29, 2009

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burn trees

- to smoke marijuana. It is used during casual conversation in attempt to determine if a person also burns trees, because only a fellow tree burner would know what the speaker is talking about.
Also used when inquiring about products.

"Hey man, do you burn trees?"
"Um.. yeah, when the time is right"
"Wanna come up and blaze?"

"I'm interested in trees"
"Can't help you today man, sorry"

by LikwidCirkel October 3, 2009

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