literally just types the exact same thing someone else typed in hopes of getting the same amount of attention.
billy saw that bobs comment on youtube got 1.2k likes and decided to be a co commenter and type the same thing.
1. Someone who will go out of their way to comment somthin like "I'm better than ____" and get absolutely devoured by said community. Sometimes they can be racist, for example they can use the hard R N-word.
2. Grammar nazi's people that go out of their way to message a 2 month old post "don't not dont".
Dude u literally have 0 subs stop being a comment sniper
Getting a facebook comment on a picture or status from someone who did it accidentally in their pocket. Like a pocket dial
Amy- "cc"
Amy- "Sorry, I pocket commented."
Amy- "cc"
Amy- "Sorry, I pocket commented."
A public commenter is one who comments on public pages, news articles or Facebook posts. These comments are not directed at anyone in particular and can often be riddled with grammatical errors.
It is often not until you become friends with someone that you find out they spend their spare time on the internet making unintelligent comments to an unspecified audience.
Natalie: "Oh, I found a really cute guy on Tinder the other day; then I found out he was a public commenter!"
Hayden: "A public commenter, what did he do?"
Natalie: "He commented on Mark Zuckerberg's recent post saying "The new Facebooks so dumb, bring da old one back!!!"
Hayden: "Should have swiped left!"
Two girls who only communicate with each other via the comment section on their respective Instagram posts, but do not maintain a real in-person friendship.
“Are u friends with Macie? She always comments on your pictures.”
“No I actually don’t really talk to her, we’re just comment betches.”
Usually the comment hussars are the soldiers of a youtuber. These hussars fight a lot with other comment hussars because of youtube dramas or cuz they are bored. They have a ranking system,normally the comment hussars know each other, and they chose officers,liuteants,generals and of course their king is the youtuber. A comment hussars should belong to different kings but these kings are usually good friends,so its pretty rare to find a hussar how has two kings who doesnt like each other. So basically they are just boys who raid other youtubers and arguing with each other on the internet.
Hussar general: Forward comment hussars! This guy said our king is a fuckin idiot!
Enemy: Cuz you guys all motherfuckin idiots!
Hussar: Plz learn that skilll,u know writing!!!
Other Hussar: Stfu fuckin braindead motherfucker!!!
Another Hussar: fuckin stupid idiot!!!
Enemy: *Dies in pain*
When you’re watching a video, think of a boss comment only to find that someone already commented it and has 1K+ likes on it.
OMG I just thought of the best comment! *Scrolls down and sees exactly what they were thinking of* (Insert head banging and comment rage)