skinny as fucking people that look worse then crack heads
That chick from people of walmart was like BEFUCKINGYOND CRACKHEAD!!!!
When you meet Carol, some maybe think she’s pretty nice and chill, some may even make comments about her big nose or say she looks like Doofenshmirtz.
Once you get to know her, however, you will soon realize she is the littlest party monster on the face of the earth, she will cry if there is no alcohol or drugs at a party, and if you piss her off she will fucking roast you rotisserie style and she means business. Do not under estimate this crazy legend.
This one of a kind alcoholic, druggie, no fuck giving crackhead will change your life forever. She can be irresponsible so keep your Carol in check! Don’t let her injest things you think are bad, and if you give her chocolate after midnight she will have diarrhea.
With Carols, it is highly advised not to take them in public because they will either; embarrass you, cause a scene, say something out loud she shouldn’t, break things big and small, be clumsy, and much more.
You will soon realize you love your CarolAnn Crackhead like no other, cause that’s what she is, no other. This crazy irresponsible Gucci phone case having alchohal drunking drug promoting Crackhead makes a good friend so stay in her good side and she will treat you well, and she will care about you and defend you. Gotta love your Carol.
She’s just a crackhead though.
CarolAnn Crackhead: Hey I know it’s 3 AM but let’s jump out of the second story of my house and crawl to a party!
Avery: Uhhhh Carol I don’t know if that’s such a good idea...
This furry crackhead was up until 3am causing chaos
Not necessarily snorting coke every weekend but.. does nitty behaviour. But they’re not the worst out of all the other crackheads as they have a good ol’ personality making them an “elite crackhead”
Jon and Angie:
Angie: Hey jon, how many pillows do you sleep with?
Jon: hey Angie, only 1, why?
Angie: Only 1? you’re an elite crackhead Jon.
What happens when you combine a crackhead and a tweaker, they are the most dangerous humans to ever walk on the earth. They are very unpredictable, have Usain bolt speed, and generally act feral. they are most likely addicted to atleast 4 different drugs. They have viciously long nails and lemon yellow teeth. They can sniff out drugs from miles away, if you have ANY sort of substances they want, you better give it to them or you will get mauled.
1. "Ayo what's that crackhead tweaker doing over there? Oh, he's scavenging for a grain of cocaine."
2. "You better give that crackhead tweaker you pills or he finna maul you"
When you allow yourself to dose off for a few seconds then wake up COMPLETELY energized
" Zoie never sleeps she just takes crackhead naps "
Someone who's cute but acts as if she's on Crack, or who has a pretty face but use's Crack.
"Sam, you act like a Crackhead Barbie!"