The "Denver Split" occurs when a guy starts to take a piss and the stream splits into two streams that go different directions. Usually this only lasts a couple of seconds, sometimes it persists. I first heard this term in 1966 and can't believe there's no google hits on it to this very day!
"I had a huge Denver Split and pissed all over the floor."
"Why is just your right shoe wet? Didja have a Denver Split?
"What a Denver Split! I actually crossed streams with the guy standing next to me."
Fucking (and ejaculating inside of ) an elderly woman hard and quick, using butter or cooking oil for lube.
I've always wanted to make Betty White a denver omlete.
A man whom can't kiss for shit, is cocky, and nothing short of a wanna be cowboy. They are total assholes and should never be allowed to lose their virginity.
Jeez look at that guy, he's such a Denver Page
Denver Burke is the most sexiest most big peckered most down right fucking hot, but not also that he literally give an amazing blowjob;)
By sucking very good dick: damm you must be a Denver Burke if you can suck dick that good!
It is when you wear denim pants and a denim shirt. It doesn't matter if they are the same shade of denim.
Hey checkout that dude with the Denver tuxedo.
when you take a shit and flush, racing to finish wiping your ass and throw the toilet paper in the toilet before it's done flushing. a successful denver derby leaves no toilet paper behind
overplayed my hand trying to do a denver derby last night and clogged the fuck out of my toilet lmao
A funny man, if he even is a man. Denver Hall also has a teacher for a mom
You’re Denver Hall.