Two faced dickhead. His diss tracks are terrible!!!! He is a two time cheating asshole. His dick is as black as charcoal, and his haircut lays even the most ferocious pussy.
This guy stole my bitch yesterday, what an et bone
An island located south of Newfoundland and Labrador with a population of 6,080 as of January 2011. It is now today seen as a fantastic place to visit, and while very little know about it, those who do have been returning, concurrent visitors.
I typically enjoy watching people enjoy the views of Saint Pierre et Miquelon.
This is a gangsta who is usually black. The "black" is not meant to be racist. This refers to that certain black gangsta w/ a black hoodie, etc.
Yo, dat black jack-et over there has a ton of swag!
Johnny: What are your plans for tonight?
Beth: I have a lot of work so my ETS is 2AM.