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an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.

by January 27, 2022

Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events

Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events also known as "FOMOPFE" is a mental state or emotional of strain.
When a Person have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events this Person can't go to small events or enjoy time because they have the Fear of Missing Out larger events which could potentially happen.
Even though John is really exited to go to the Party he can't go to it because he got the fear of Missing other potentially happening event in the News/Media or if he goes to the Party he can't enjoy it because he keeps checking his Phone for News if something is happening he could miss.

> I can't go to the Party i have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events

by sk1d.eu January 6, 2025

Shake Events

Based out of NJ, Shake Events is one of the best dj companies you can use for your wedding, hands down. They will make. You. Shake. (Dat butt) all night long. It will be the best, most memorable night of your life . No question ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿผ โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Damn that the best wedding Iโ€™ve ever been to last night, they must have used Shake Events

by Mikeydeks November 23, 2021

event boundary

It's a phenomenon when you walk in to a room and you forget why you walked in there in the first place

Damnit, I just had a event boundary again!

by Zeushimself January 15, 2018


Someone who likes to be in the mix... who's at every event and likes to be seen.

Trudy always posting at every party..she's an event whore.

by Zumana April 9, 2021

psychological mind event

This is how incompetent psychology instructors describe any term they don't understand.

Just think of the placebo effect as a psychological mind event.

by Joe Lavode September 20, 2017

thermal event

An exothermic reaction where large amounts of smoke are generated but no flames are observed.

My house was subject to a thermal event and was reduced to ashes. I didn't see it, so it must not have been a fire.

by coldandbothered November 17, 2010