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Tattle Fail

When somebody tries to tell on you but the person they tattle to doesn't care what you did

Tom: Mrs.Smith, Frank is chewing gum!
Mrs.Smith: It's okay, just make sure you don't choke on it.
Frank: Tom, you're such a tattle fail.

by thatoneguythatstoocoolforyou November 23, 2010

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Epic Fail

An epic fail is like the God of all failures. Nothing can fail more then that.

Sara was just sitting on her skateboard, then ended up with road rash.

by Candy from Slovakia June 10, 2009

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The complete and universal repeated failure at a task.

I was working on the car, but it went all-fail when everything I tried ended in failure.

by mdfiasco December 15, 2009

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Nerd Fail

A nerd fail occurs when someone with exceptionally well grades (in the 95%ish area) receives anything below 85% on an assignment, quiz, test or exam.
It isn't a fail through the eyes of their peers, but to them THEY FAILED!

1: gah ...im so upset i got 83% on my science test. i failed.
2: you should be happy 83% is really good, totally not a fail.
1: 83% is a very big nerd fail to me.

by Sannah Banana October 3, 2011

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Fail Pong

(N) A situation in which multiple levels of the chain of authority recurringly issue conflicting instructions or directives for appropriate action and punish any the inevitable resulting violations. Whichever side of the subordinate lands on, he will get the crap knocked out of him by someone.

This job is total fail pong. I go to the boss and tell him the solution is Y. The boss orders me to do X. I then get an email from the boss's boss asking why the fuck I did X instead of Y, and then I get bitched out by the client. No matter which way you go, you're screwed.

by Frustrated_Monolingual January 27, 2010

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senses fail

Senses Fail are awesome!! They are the best screamo band out there. The lyrics are depressing and a bit stupid about killing etc, so you could call them emo but the actual music isn't pop-punk its is kool as!! Senses Fail (btw if you like senses fail check out behind crimson eyes the awesome screamo aussie band)

Awesome senses fail songs:
Free falling without a parachute, the irony of dying on your birthday, one eight seven, cute when you scream, dreaming a reality...

by *_MiLLiE_* December 11, 2005

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senses fail

a good emo/screemo band from the east coast. I saw they play in europe and they kicked ass. Seriously underrated, listen to them instead of Simple plan.

if you don't like Senses Fail, you're a penis battler

by davide November 23, 2004

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