A very educated person, at the best universities, but one who becomes boring and/or unimpressive when running for political office
Have you seen an educated failure? What about mayor Pete?
People who have gone to an elite prep school or a ivy league university but are boring and unimpressive in their post educational social/professional lives.
Mayor Pete is an educated failure!
A very well educated person but one who is boring and unimpressive irl in terms of their career 🤔
A lot of politicians seem to be educated failures.
When a machine or device violently explodes unexpectedly, it creates a huge toxic plume of smoke, chemicals, and shrapnel.
OMG, Jerry... did you see that Elon's Starship rocket just exploded and made a big ol massive Failure Fart?
Damn, that mixed kebab last night was really good. I nearly did a cascade failure.
when, to your surprise, you are unbelievably constipated, and you fail at making a bowel movement after many long minutes on the porcelain throne.
also in geography, dump failure is used to refer to bad waste disposal
I just had the biggest dump failure.
Five Man Failure:Small business with less than 10 people. The business is usually dysfunctional. The CEO of the company has 'observation blindness' and coddles bad employees. In a large company issue employees would have been sacked for more dynamic candidates.
That tube store employee is passive aggressive and never emailed me to tell me that my special order was cancelled two months ago. They're running a "Five Man Failure".