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zak faux

The most perfect person on planet earth with the most amazing smile and the best personality. So funny and so sweet but just needs to realise it. One of those people that has the most handsome face that makes you smile every time you see it.

โ€œIโ€™m in love with Zak Faux!โ€

by bshsjanjajsnajs October 20, 2020


Sildenafil, the generic name for Viagra.

Now that Viagra has ceased to be a propirietory monopoly, Sildenafil or Faux-agra is the friend of poor, old people ... who can now afford to have sex once again now.

by Santesfawr July 7, 2015

faux mo

a "straight" person with very homosexual qualities and tendencies.

Hey look at Kurtis being a big faux mo!!

by Smokey Joe HC May 27, 2007

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faux cougar

A young woman who looks much older than her same-age boyfriend.

"Look at Bobby's new faux cougar girlfriend. That girl has spent way too much time in the sun!"

by Jackie Shelton November 6, 2007

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a faux pas

A faux pas literally means "wrong step" in French.
You could just use the term "fuck things up" instead, but if you wanna look classy, use "faux pas".

Ellie banged her best friend's husband but forgot her panties on the floor.
That was a faux pas .
Also, she got pregnant.
That's a faux pas as well.
She got AIDS.
Her partner made a faux pas.

by Cordylia March 4, 2016

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faux meat

Dildo, as in fake meat.

"He's in Denver so I've been resorting to faux meat for pleasure. Damn him!"

by den angel January 18, 2009

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A deal (usually offered by a cable company, or a big box store) that initially may seem beneficial to the buyer, but on further examination, it is realized that the deal really only benefits the seller and the buyer gains nothing.

The most blatant example is a cellphone company offering a brand new cellphone at no price and then price gouging you for months and years to come for the service.

A classic Best Buy/Future Shop Faux-Deal is attempting to offer you an extended warranty for free instead of lower the price of the actual big ticket item in question. Because chances are you won't need the warranty, and you'll walk away paying full price for the item thinking you are a savvy buyer.

A classic internet provider trick will be offering the modem for free when you sign up for their service. Well no effing duh, without the modem there's no way you can get their over-rated price gouging internet connection.

by spektralX May 6, 2009

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