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A gay motherfucker who gives good hugs and is big floof

Person 1: hey Gavin, I need a hug.
Gavin: *gives hug, hug is good*

by heeehhhhhhh February 7, 2020

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Gavin is a Player fuck boy he will cheat on you if you date him and he won’t text you

Hey remember Gavin he’s so dumb.

by Hey TikTok✌🏻 November 2, 2019

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When you ride rainbow Dick

I would like to Gavin in my bedroom

by Penis Peter March 27, 2019

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Insecure person who acts big and bad but really has a tiny cock and an overinflated ego.

God dude I fucking hate Gavin

by KangarooLover888 November 3, 2019

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Literally the perfect guy. He had blue eyes and big dimples. Really tall and athletic. Stares at you sometimes and makes u think he likes you and your still very confused if he does or not.

Guy 1: Did you see the cute new kid.
Guy 2: Oh yea he’s definitely a Gavin

by Annnaaaaa November 30, 2019

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A sad excuse for a human being with the worst name ever imaginable.

Random Guy: I saw this guy named Gavin today
Other Random Guy: Damn that guy's parents must not love him

by lemonkebruhlol October 16, 2019

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A fuckin stupid redneck ass nigga that likes to stare at boys asses and master bate to them also likes hoping on boys cocks for money fucks his dog in the shower

Stupid bigga gavin

by Konachar September 9, 2018

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