A Peen Goblin is someone who absolutely loves penis. They are always looking to horde as much of it as possible. Peen is their true aspiration in life. However they are merely collectors. Can also be a person with an obscene obsession with penis.
"Damn, my homie says he's not gay, but he's such a Peen Goblin."
You’re all just mad because you get zero Goblin Pussy
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A name to describe someone who chows down on watermelon at alarming rates.
It is an insult. If someone takes pride in that name it's probably an unfunny girl that thinks she's funny.
Person 1: You should invite X to your party
Person 2: Oh hell nah! Do you know how much of a watermelon goblin he is?!
A skater gang located in the central valley of California. They are known to be armed and dangerous and have a harsh rivalry with the Fresno Bulldogs. They are known to tag buildings in goblin green, their gangs color.
Bob: Lets go to the skatpark bro
Mark: We can't the goblin horde took over the park
Bob: Damn your right I dont wanna get hurt
A rock goblin is a more sophisticated term for a crank whore
You can't turn a rock goblin into a housewife.
a person who shits in mysterious places but can never be caught in the act of doing so.
i hope we catch that brown goblin before he strikes again.
Shitty Goblin: To present your unclean anus and buttocks to an unsuspecting partner’s or friend’s face while they are sleeping. Worse than a tea-bagging.
The ‘Shitty Goblin’ derives its name from the real possibility of going blind from a shit infected eye.
Olden times slang from Birmingham, UK (specifically the Jewellery Quarter district).
I awoke to the sight of my boyfriend’s unclean anus and buttocks being thrust towards my face. I had been ‘shitty goblined’ (I.e. shitty go blind).