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morbidly homosexual

Something that is so extremely gay it causes death.

dude: "man that guy is so tall, wish he would give me a few inches"

girl: "That's morbidly homosexual"

by dustlessbeef February 20, 2009

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

homosexual chocolate

A large homosexual black man who is prone to promiscuity and buggery. Usually is very much desired by the gay community for his charm and raw sexuality.

That fat man is definitely homosexual chocolate, look at how they all flock towards him.

by Dr. Fizgig June 3, 2015

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lamppost Homosexual

A Homosexual person.

This is used to describe a person who is heterosexual for most of their life, but 'openly' homosexual towards the end. Like a lamppost: straight from the bottom up but bent at the top.

J - "did you hear? Jack left his wife!"
T - "oh really! after thirty years!?"
J - "yeah, apparently his gay!"
T - "snap! must be on of those lamppost homosexuals!"
J - "Ha ha, yeah! straight for most of your life..."
J & T - "...but bent in the end!"

by Geeez February 25, 2008

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Homosexual Legos

hot pink: sexuality
red: life
orange: healing
yellow: sunlight
green: nature
turquoise: magic/art
indigo/blue: serenity/harmony
violet: spirit

Legos that our bought with the colors above

Mom bought me homosexual legos for my wedding

by bitcoin December 25, 2013


An outdated, offensive term for people who are attracted to the same sex, aka gay and lesbian people.

Your racist grandpa probably goes on about β€œthe homosexuals” and the economy during thanksgiving.

by wholock3 January 5, 2019

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Homosexually hot

Appealing to members of the same sex

Rihanna is homosexually hot..

by iHEARTShiaLaBeouf November 5, 2010

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homosexually gay

When you are so gay, you are even gayer than homosexuals

Guy in a Pink V-Neck belly shirt showing his belly. That is "HOMOSEXUALLY GAY".

by GooDFeLLa September 24, 2004

57πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž