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Captain Knots

An amazing man who is the best at League of Legends and being awesome.

Look over there it's a Captain Knots kicking ass in LoL.

by AmbientWalrus September 8, 2012

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garlic knots

(n) Tightly bound female ass cheeks, or buttocks; so firm they resemble two side by side rolls of deliciously seasoned dough; good enough to eat. A spicy rump. Maybe add a little sauce.

"She had the best damn garlic knots I've ever seen. I just wanted to eat them."

by Shagomatic June 16, 2007

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slip knot

Slip Knot is a "band" that teenagers listen to so their parents will freak out. Their "music" is in fact soo bad that the band members openly admit they are not musicians. So if your a teenager and you want to punish your parents and feel bad about the world; paint your fingernails black and listen to slip knot.

Slip knot is so god awful that when I hear it I contemplate using a slip knot on myself!

by kainatav February 19, 2007

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man knot

A man knot is born when the man doesn't have quite long enough of hair to obtain the manbun, but still tie it up in the same fashion anyway.

Reginald's hair is too short for the manbun he's going for, it looks like more of a man knot.

by jacketkneelength February 11, 2015

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Slip Knotted

Becoming so intoxicated off malt liquor and cheap vodka you begin violently hurling and producing a disturbing noise only comparable to a Slipknot song.

Brad: " What is that horrid sound coming from the bathroom?"
Brad's Bro: "Oh that's just Jim, he got Slip Knotted tonight and is letting some demons out."
Brad: "Jim is such an artist."

by GeorgeDubyaTheThird April 4, 2018

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Pink Knot

A beautifully skin tone blended and bleached balloon knot. No brown round. Perfectly blended and of porn star quality.

The Anus.

Rachel went to the med spa today. When she returned home, her old rusty sheriff’s badge had been transformed into a a beautiful pink knot of Stormy Daniel’s quality no less.

by Eaton Holgoode December 12, 2018

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working the knot

1. The act of taking a shit
2. Realy working the knot muscle sphincter to force out a bashful turd
3. What you can see your dog's balloon knot doing (especially a short haired one) while he is sniffing around trying to find the right place to dook

1. That bathroom is going to be nasty, George has been in there for an hour working the knot.
2. Man, I had to work the knot so much on that one, I think i ripped my grundle.
3. Your dog is starting to vigorously work his knot, you better let him out before he shits on the coffee table.

by sweatygooch July 29, 2010

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