guy1: do u know anyone called jasper
guy2: ye and he’s weird and gay
big dick randy sucking deez balls if you mess with jasper he will bring out his flock and spray it everywhere, he always misses and sold his feet to someone for 69420 dickollars, he is the ultimate porn star.
"did you see daddy nigggy jassy"
"he fired his flock and missed his Jasper"
jasper is a hyper-active person. the personification of a golden retriever puppy, they’re fun, loud, funny and have a cute personality. they’ll make you laugh and they’ll always show that they care about you. not the best at giving advice but they do their best and always listen, and that’s enough. one of the best friends you’ll ever have. they’re a little forgetful though, remind them to bring their inhaler and headphones everywhere with them
“jasper, remember to take your headphones and inhaler with you. you can’t die before me”
Jasper is a big red flag. As soon as you meet him, run the other way. He doesn't like girls his own age, and WILL romantically venture for younger girls. He's rude but somehow oblivious to the things he does wrong.
"Hey did you hear about Jasper?"
"Yeah I heard what he did to that freshman girl.."
whore player that looks for insecure younger men to manipulate and play with.
person1: ew is that jasper??
person2: ew what a slag
Jasper: A very handsome boy with an iq of at least 156, nicest person you’ve ever met, when you see one ull wanna with him!
He will prolly have lack of self esteem and depression when he shouldn’t have those at all.
Oh as well he has a great sense of humour!
Girl: Why are you so happy!?
Hot girl: Jasper......
Girl: kk I understand.
A master of rizz get bjs in the Starbucks bathroom by his school
Jasper gets bjs in the Starbucks by his school and is a master of bitches