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Kerry King's Quiz Show

The K.K.Q.S. is a move performed during sexual intercourse. The female is on her knees and the male is standing. Slayer’s β€œRaining Blood” has to be playing at a high volume. The male swings hid wang around in a circular motion (like the wheel in a game show) while the female tries to catch it in her mouth.

Jesus and I just performed the Kerry King's Quiz Show in my bathroom.

by Mr. KrΓΌger February 17, 2006

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

John F. Kerry

Lost an election to a monkey.

"Ugh, He lost to a monkey, what next? A cookie? Heinz?!?!

by Pat March 10, 2005

22πŸ‘ 203πŸ‘Ž

Thank God John Kerry Is Our President

An exclamation that United States citizens, living in an alternate universe, would cry out, every time they had a glimpse of their alternate universe, in which George W. Bush is president.

Bush fucked up again! Aren't you glad we don't live in that shitty universe? Thank God John Kerry is our president!

by Ask Your Dad July 27, 2006

75πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


An awesome friend , and older online sister

Hey have you seen **kerris’s** announcment about piss in grell fanclub ?

by kaiaikaoa November 7, 2021


A shortened nickname for the name Kerrigan. Kerris’ are pretty girls who have have rocking curves and beautiful aqua eyes. Kerri’s will most likely end up with a guy named Jason or Yeison

Jason/Yeison: β€œ kerri is so hot”
Guy: β€œI know bro, your so lucky your with her”

by Oliviabrown March 21, 2018


A person (of the female gender, usually) who starts most text messages strings with "what," and "ok". This person also uses these emotions excessively: πŸ˜”πŸ˜πŸ˜ŒπŸ™‚πŸ˜³πŸ˜©πŸ’–

Name is so boring..she just replies with weird emojis and one word messages. uGh, she's such a kerris.

by Carmaaa September 7, 2021


Bum, Loves Josh

She's so annoying. She must be a Kerris

by 2h3igiu42t November 25, 2021