A Linux Messiah is someone who uses third-party operating systems; most commonly Linux; and constantly feel the need to try convincing others to switch to what they use, typically out of the idea that the PC community will significantly improve by doing so.
Although many may find this respectful, as this type of behavior is typically rooted in pro-consumer and anti-corporate beliefs, this behavior may still be considered obnoxious amongst those who aren't capable of switching, typically due to programs being incompatible or not having systems powerful enough to handle virtual machines.
Example A:
Ordinary Guy: "You guys have any solutions for the issues caused by the recent GPU update? Avoid being Linux Messiahs, please."
Linux Messiah: "You say that, but you know if you used Linux and RMD instead, then... (Long-winded rant about Linux)
Ordinary Guy: "...Anyway..."
Example B:
If you see this in a Mutahar video, then that should speak for itself.