Source Code


very cool person
smooth like butter, smells like lavender soap

emo bae
sunshine 4 lyfe


melly/mel can suck my ass

by tsupie December 31, 2022

mel math

Somehow the person who isn't here for one of the bosses got a bigger split than the people who were here for the entire raid.

"3703.25 is Gary's split. 3703.13 is everyone's split."

"HuhhhH?? What the fuck is this Mel math?"

by Lmaokai1234 August 28, 2021


an extremely annoying middle school boy.

"Dude, you're such a rah-mel!"


by lickmybigfatnuts.com August 28, 2023

to mel

1. to ignore when your friend ask you something

“ - did you mel me again?”

“ - sorry i ignored you 3 days ago
- stop melling me!!”

“to mel or not to mel today”

by FastRacc69 May 24, 2023


mel/melly! a person who is super cool and awesome and the best and 707 irl and has some of the most amazing traits in a human anyone has ever seen!

mel/melly is my carrot!!

mel/melly is my best friend, he is always there for me!

by littlebug435 November 22, 2021

Mel Gibson

Someone who can shoot out a vehicles tire while driving another vehicle.

Friend: Shoot out the back tire!
Me: Who do you think I am, Mel Gibson?

by jamestown_hustle September 13, 2021

Mel Gibson

Is being humiliated publicly a fear people have!? HA! I didn't know that was a thing!

Hym "Mel Gibson ALSO battered wife. Once you're chosen you can just do whatever you won't to them. He got kicked out of Hollywood for the antisemitism but NOT FOR THE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF WIFE."

by Hym Iam August 15, 2023