Source Code


Pass My Sweatpants.

from the t.v. series "Nick Swardsons pretend time"

i have i severe case of PMS.

by YOURMOTHER15438268 November 25, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Period Mood Swings.

When your wife is on her period, and has intense period mood swings, stay at your friend's house for a week or so.

Example 1:

Boy1: Dude, your wife is out of her mind.
Boy2: Yeah man.. can I stay at your place for a while? Don't wanna get screamed at for sitting on her side of the couch again.

Example 2:

Woman with PMS:
I love you! I'm tired. STOP DOING THAT! I'm hungry. I'm so sad. Wanna watch a movie? Honey, I'm not in the mood.

by cuddlytoyz January 13, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mad cow disease was already taken so they called it pms instead...

Person1:i think my girlfriend may have PMS

by dead man dying April 15, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Also known as Scystorm pissed off

Woah, Scy is PMSing again is he?

by Chris J Pisarczyk May 2, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

PM me

"private message" me. Usually in a chat room where there are public messages, but you can send private messages to specific individuals. different from im me... which is "instant message" me. i.e. yahoo im, aol im, msn im.

please PM me ASAP!

by Odder August 10, 2008

189๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Period of undefined duration in which one's sensibility to music (i.e., music's ability to trigger emotions/feelings) is reduced.

Although one's preference and sensibility to music naturally and significantly varies between genres and artists, the "Ear PMS" does not relate to this phenomenon. Instead it refers to a general state of less predisposition to be upwinded by music which in a normal/basal state is capable of bringing up feelings.

- Hey, have you checked that song I sent you ?
- Not yet. I'm having ear pms, so I'm saving it for later so I can properly judge it.

by hcKz November 17, 2013


Also known as Payton Murphy Syndrome, a very rare syndrome in which a person, male or female, has extreme self confidence issues, and there for causes emotional damage in others around them. The affected person will reel in a "friend", using their "hard times" and "lack of self-esteem" to cause their "friend" to pity them. Once becoming best friends, payton murphy syndrome kicks into stage two, where the affected person completely turns on their best friend, because the best friend has empowered them unknowingly. He or she will claim to be more mature, and completely rip their best friend apart, not remember why the became friends in the first place. They think they are high and mighty. After blowing up all their friendships, the affected person will realize what they have done, and try to crawl back to his or her friends. The cycle begins all over again.

Sarah has pms, she got all high and mighty and kicked me to the curb. I bet she'll come crawling back, it happens everytime.

by thereisalight April 7, 2011

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