An intelligent person. A very beautiful and kind-hearted woman who loves to make people happy. Smiling face. She doesn't give a fuck to the BS who are talking behind her back. A popular creature because of her appealing and charismatic aura. The perfect partner for life.
You are the Eden Pearl.
One who keeps tags on clothing items. Mainly boys who think they are cool by wearing hats but keep all the tags on them!
Minnie pearl a country comedienne on the grand ole opery.she keept tags on her new hats!
An indistinct street jargon for Ivory. Usually made in reference when (post-ban) Ivory Bruisers and Loansharks are culminating a deal and use the term to avoid suspicion from any eavesdroppers. Ivory Bruisers are often times called Quartz Collectors.
Fortress: Who am I dealin' with?
Basil: Mogley Asp.
Fortress: And he's dealin' Pearl Quartz, right?
Basil: Straight exact.
A Pearl Holler is when a guy approaches a large group (3 or more) of females already engaged with a large group (2 or more) of males ultimately winning the favor of the female of his choosing.
Shit! Lawrence just pulled a Pearl Holler on the Michigan hockey team at their awards banquet after-party.
when you spew a bunch of bullshit and somebody else eats it up
"Yo Daniel is straight Tom Pearling It right now im straight bullshitting"
4👍 1👎
a girl that will call u cute for some random reason
lily pearl is my bff
A large, engorged clit of an old bull dyke.
Come suck momma’s rugged pearl.
Her rugged pearl was piecing the crotch of her undersized Lululemons.
I licked her rugged pearl like a cherry dum dum last night.