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Random Pick

An event that shakes even the strongest to their bones. The end of days, the end of the world. That time whe- oh it's not me? Ok cool. (When there aren't enough p.o.i's on a speech in MUN and the chair picks a random person to speak.)

C- Since there are no question we will be having a random pick.

You Probably- *Oh God please don't let me be it, I don't have anything to ask, oh please God!*

C- *a country that's not you* you have been picked

by Atates January 6, 2021

Picking the nits

1. A nit picker to the nth degree and a royal pain in the ass.

2. Someone who is looking to start trouble or cause a commotion.

3. A person who concentrated on inconsequential details.

Hey Neil, stop picking the nits and pass the mozzarella. “I’m not picking the nits, I’m just saying the mozzarella is a little tough!”

by His lordship and mr handsome May 5, 2021

picked fences

a person with big teeth. usually jagged.

"look at picked fences over there." .. Man that bitch got some big ass teeth!"

by gologo149 March 16, 2016

Pick Shopper

Someone who takes one thing from a variety.

George only eats the apricots from the trail mix he's such a fucking Pick Shopper.

by TheLOL July 23, 2009

pick and choodiasm

Picking and choosing the tenets of a religion that you would like to follow. Often choosing the convenient parts (the holidays and celebrations) and leaving the rest.

"Is Greg Jewish? He doesn't keep kosher."
"Yeah but he takes all of the holidays though."
"He must be practicing pick and choodiasm."


"You're eating meat? I thought Catholics abstained from meat on Fridays in Lent."
"No worries dude, I'm practicing pick and choodiasm."

by JGpe rcussion September 28, 2011

dimp picking

Picking up the remains of cigarettes which have been dropped either on the floor or in a bin

"Dude that hobo is dimp picking over there"

by Leyther March 30, 2016

pick and nibble

The habit of using, unnecessarily, two hands to consume a foodstuff.

The ardent pick and nibble practioner pulls small pieces from a food that is held in one hand and and then consume them with the other.

Usage of the second hand has to be superfluous to the task to constitute a true pick and nibble

The visual effect is repulsive and resembles someone playing with his/her food.

Popular pick and nibble fare includes: Pastries, pizza, canapés & sandwiches.

Please note that holding a bag of food (nuts, chips etc) and eating from said bag does not constitute a pick and nibble

"Did you see Nigel Slater eating that cake? Why can't he just bite it instead of doing the pick and nibble?

by Porkmann November 11, 2015