harry potter means gay men suck dick
like this harry potter feels nice
A shitty overated series that almost everyone loves
"Harry potter is good" someone
A guy with a huge penis and a really kind and loving guy that would love u for u
I Dylan potter u
The act of belittling someone who has little to no knowledge of Harry Potter and had never read the Harry Potter books nor seen the movies.
Jon endured a round of Potter Shaming from Paige when he admitted to not caring about or knowing anything about Harry Potter.
just a random guy in a grade 8 class room who is an average joe and is 5'11 hes going to hogwarts next year
Me: Hey ben
Ben: hi there
Me: what highschool are you going to?
Ben: HogWarts
Ben potter is an average joe
The stage of hair growth on a vagina that is longer than a 5 o'clock shadow but before it curls, traditionally creeping onto the sides of the inner thigh. Inspired by the Michael McShane character from Tom & Huck.
My Muff Potter is like it's been drunk for 2 weeks straight and if you disturb it you could lose a finger.
A skinny white kid with no style who is friendzoned by every girl he has ever met. An Elliot Potter is a complete simp. He’s a very good friend and he never will think of himself before other people. His dad is pretty cool. An Elliot Potter usually has good snacks and food at his house. An Elliot Potter is rich.
Elliot Potter is a very cool dude.