Source Code

lance remi

remi note, a robot man

Lance remi is a remi note

by dojameow June 7, 2021

Dirty Remie

when you take your ex's significant other and french kiss with them while pooping in front of your ex.

OMG John pulled a Dirty Remie last night!

by wowsus August 18, 2022

Remy S.

A rat known for making ratatouille.

She’s such a Remy S. (She’s a good cook)

by smart professional November 20, 2021


Quality time with Remi.

You can never have enough Remi-time.

by Azoveelfkcnos November 18, 2018

February 29, be nice to remy day

Be nice to any remys you meet

February 29, be nice to remy day is today
Hey Remy you look nice today

by Remy Remy Remy February 29, 2024

zatte remie

A friend of yours who is in dire need of an alcoholic beverage.

My gosh, you're such a zatte remie!

by Frozen555 November 3, 2017


Remi-Phobic, usually confused with the word “Remy-Phobic” because they sound the same, Remi-Phobic and Remy-Phobic are very different. Remi-Phobic is to be hateful towards the Tiktoker remi, also known as “remipen”.

(DISCLAIMER: this is not a real term used regularly, it is a meme and or joke by the Tiktoker remi)

“Gosh, did you see everyone being remi-phobic to remi in her stream! So rude.”

“I know right!”

by RegularOfficeWorker July 19, 2023